To maintain a safe and healthy environment for all students and staff, children who are ill should not attend tutoring services. While we understand that keeping a child home can be a challenge for working parents and that absences may impact learning, these decisions are necessary to prioritize the well-being of everyone. If your child exhibits any of the symptoms listed below, please keep them at home until they are completely symptom-free. In the event of an absence, the weekly fee will still apply.
Any temperature of 100.4° Fahrenheit (38° Centigrade) or higher is considered a fever, and children should not attend tutoring services while febrile. A fever often indicates an infection and usually means the child is actively shedding germs, even if medication temporarily reduces their temperature.
Children must be fever-free for at least
24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications (e.g., ibuprofen or acetaminophen) before returning to tutoring services. If the child still appears unwell, an additional day at home is recommended.
Vomiting or Diarrhea
Children experiencing vomiting or diarrhea should remain at home, even if they appear otherwise well. This ensures the health and comfort of the child and prevents the spread of potentially contagious illnesses.
The 24-hour rule applies here as well, and it is advisable to consult with a doctor for guidance. Some illnesses, such as norovirus, may require an additional day of isolation due to prolonged contagion risk.
Severe Pain
Mild discomfort, such as a minor headache or a sore knee, can typically be managed with appropriate care before attending tutoring. However, if your child is experiencing moderate to severe pain that affects their ability to focus or participate, they should remain at home until the pain subsides or a doctor has provided appropriate treatment.
Persistent Cough or Difficulty Breathing
A severe, persistent cough or noticeable changes in your child’s breathing should be addressed promptly by a doctor. These symptoms can interfere with learning and may indicate a more serious underlying condition. Children exhibiting these symptoms should stay home until cleared by a medical professional.
By adhering to these guidelines, we can help ensure the safety and well-being of all children and staff while maintaining a productive learning environment.
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